Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Five-point Update

1) Still working for IMMC - I love the job and I love the people. I don't necessarily love the hours, but I will do what I do until I can do it no more.

2) Being poor sucks: Right now I'm on a tight-as-Hell budget on account of me having to pay two-months worth of rent in one pay period, on top of a car loan... and utilities. I'm not making a killing - just enough to get by and live how I wanna live. Is that so wrong? Well, apparently I think so, because if I emptied my TV fund, I'd be fine in an instant. But I want that TV...

3) With LOST over, my mind wanders to other things... I've actually started reading again, and while I've found this to be extremely rewarding, I find fault with it because I know that, in the fall, when AMC debuts "The Walking Dead", I'll be right back where I started; in front of a television.

4) I don't write anymore, personally. This is something I'm aiming to rectify as we speak.

5) Music - still - is the soul. Never before have I had faith in any concept as strongly as I have in this one. ...and the fact that there is no such thing as choice. Which, of course, there isn't.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Just Googled myself. Here's an update in five sentences:

1) I didn't move to L.A. because, in the end, it turned out that true love was not made of horrible parenting, lame-ass excuses, and abysmal failures.

2) I am, once again, living in Des Moines, working at Iowa Methodist, and - as always - I am made of awesome.

3) I have slowly started to "eat" music, and by this I mean I collect it, I listen to it all, and I don't care what it is, all in the hopes that I will gain a better understanding of music's doorway into the human soul.

4) I still obsess over the television show LOST, although not nearly as much in this final season as in years past.

5) If I could do any one thing right now, at this point in time, it would be to get on a bus and just go somewhere and not have to worry about things like money, family, love, humanity, or the lack of cake I'll likely only ever continue to encounter as I get older and older with each passing minute.

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