Sunday, April 8, 2007

Episode 29: Here I Am! (or: Computer Let Me Post!)

So, in the past two-ish weeks I've had major difficulty with this site. I would make a full post then go to post it, my little hour-glass would spin and spin and stop and spin and go backwards or something and then spin some more.

Eventually it just stopped spinning and showed me a "page could not be displayed" page and I would hit "BACK" and there'd be an empty post-making screen, fresh and ready for my frustration to be fed right into it. It is safe to say that feed I did. And, in the end, you've heard absolutely nothing out of me in about, oh, that much time.

So, lets go down the list of important things that have happened (complete with [some!] pictures):

1.) Guitar Hero Thing That I Got Second Place At
(yes, i took that picture myself. so what?)
Oh, shoot! Did I give away the ending before I got there? I forgot that some people didn't like spoilers... Whoops.

Anyhow, weeks of practice paid off as I showed the world (read: a handful of people with an equal amount of time to waste) how big a lame nerd I am! Need proof? I didn't think so, but here you go anyhow:
Here we see some jerks playing a video game and being nerds. Seeing as how I'm one of those jerks/nerds, I can't much complain about it, can I?

These guys did ok, but in the end there could be only one first-place winner. And, after that, only one second-place winner. And that was me. Skyler Bartels.
(Note: I only competed in the hard bracket. Had I gone ahead and done the expert bracket like my gut told me, my gut would not be able to tell me anything anymore on account'a it not bein' a member of the livin' no more. Which would have been bad news for me, seein' as how that'd'a killed your's truly as well, now wouldn't'a it?)

2.) GRINDHOUSE!!!!!!!!!1111two
I don't even need to tell you that the new movie out this weekend blew apart my expectations. But I will anyway:


Yeah, it was that great.

Kingdom Hearts 2 is a video game for the Playstation 2. It is about 40 hours long and awesome. There is a newer, better version out in Japan that I want to be able to buy in this country.

I really dig Peter Gabriel right now. US is a great album. If you don't know who Peter Gabriel is, I am not your friend.

I had a mediocre Easter. I'm not saying that I hated it. But let's pretend I did.

My brothers are pretty much the coolest people in the world.

Skyler... out!

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