New Blog Post! New Blog Post!
This summer I am in Iowa City, living with my older brother Pete. Pete is a Dr., so he can afford to take care of me. Also, he is a nice guy, so I think I can stomach to hang out with him a bit, I suppose.
I'm still being educated, currently, working on getting some stuff done so I can enter the technical writing field at the start of next year. Its an area I'm really interested in and think I would do well in, also. So, I've got that going for me. In the meantime, I'm working at a place called TMone this summer (those of you in Iowa with Facebook have probably seen the ads all over the place, I'd wager), saving up money to pay off a car, buy tickets to go to L.A. (more in a second), and buy food and gas and stuff and stuff.
In regards to L.A., my girlfriend, Aliona, moved back there at the tail end of May and, since the two of us are like "we're super duper cool and stuff" and we love each other, we're just gonna work through the distance thing. Because the other option is stupid and neither of us are interested in that, nope, not one bit. So I have to work and work and work and save and save and save until I can visit on occasion and eventually - as is the plan - move out there (I hope) near Feb. 2009. Which will make me 23-and-a-half years old, by the way. I'm an old man.
I'll be 23 on July 5th. That's scary. I always thought getting older would mean getting cooler. But I guess all it really means is that I can't ride down the stairs on a pillow anymore without getting hurt and all bruised up :(
More... as it happens, including:
-Evaluations of all of Pete's friends
-How I like my job (I'm going to try to get promoted in a couple of weeks, too!)
-What is in store for my immediate future
-A Dark Knight review (since that movie is going to be so awesome it makes little babies explode upon being birthed)
Have a good'n!
What happened to the WalMart marathon-inspired book? My readers want to know.
Skyler are you really moving to Los Angeles? How did it turn out with the girlfriend? My husband and I are young and married and we love it :] Going on 5 years (we're 24 and 28 years old). I read your Walmart articles, very humorous.
Best Wishes,
Jody Madden
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