Episode 43: Goodbye, July (or: Goodbye, Summer)
So I am almost free.
I have a final to take. Then I have to work. Then, for the most part... summer can begin to end.
The start of this summer was a stress test on me. After my lackluster performance during my second semester last year, I thought for sure things were going to just go downhill until I hit a bottom. I knew they would, actually. Which is sad. And pathetic.
May ended out pretty "OK", I suppose. I was just fearing the months ahead. Pete was home, Zak was home... mom was home... dad was working all the time, still is, actually. We played and wrote music, Pete and I played Mario 64 with near-religious dedication, I saw movies... it was fun.
Then came June. What. A. Sonuvabitch. Long, work-loaded, class-filled, boring-boring-boring, very little fun.... STRESSED-OUT!
July was worse. Mainly because I figured, if fate and destiny were gonna screw me over, they'd wait until the last possible minute. So, every day was a long, drawn out pain in the ass. Work dragged, classes and tests seemed huge and hard, everything seemed to mock me... Even going to Des Moines for the 4th seemed to be a misleading blessing of some kind, because all it really did was add new worries and doubts that weren't there before.
But now that we've reached the month's end, and I've got all my stuff to go back to Drake filled out and sent in, I've just printed off my two-weeks notice for work, my class ends tomorrow, and in one week I'll be coming back from my second summer-trip to Des Moines, this time heading to Iowa City to see a concert. A REVEREND HORNET HEAT CONCERT! It'll be a psychobilly freakout, is what it'll be.
Then I'll head back home and ride the rails into the Fall semester...
Where I can stress out over the little question of: