Monday, October 29, 2007


Guitar Hero 3 just came. I didn't really pay attention to the tracks that would be on it because I wanted to be surprised when I put the game in my Playstation and booted up the playlist. But today I found out that Cliffs of Dover, by the one and only Eric Johnson, is on it and... Well... It made me want to go out and buy it right away.

But I won't.

Turns out I blame most of my semester-long apathy toward school on Guitar Hero 2 and the countless hours I played that stupid game to death. I wasted so much time doing that instead of studying or participating in social activity (unless there was Guitar Hero involved. Then, of course, I was there). Why? Why would I do this?

It was easy? That's a solid answer. It was easy. In the same way playing World of Warcraft during every waking hour was easy. WAY easier than going to class or doing homework or talking to people in real life. Leveling up or beating songs was instant gratification. I longed for it. I always will. I shy away from real challenges most of the time because I don't like to risk failure or defeat or - heaven forbid! - embarrassment.

But grades are kinda like instant gratification. I was instantly aware of NOT getting good grades, so I'm pretty sure that I would be aware of getting them, instead.

Another answer could be that I was just not interested in school. High levels of apathy and what not.

Bottom line, though... Guitar Hero 3 would be a terrible idea. I wouldn't do anything. I'd just sit around and play that. And I need to graduate instead of.... not.... graduate. So, yeah. Guitar Hero 3 for Christmas baby, oh yeah 2007 live!

Hope all is well out there in where ever you are. Dorm rooms or houses in Arkansas. Schools places. I don't know. I'm still kinda sick and I am tired and going to sleep.

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