Episode 20: Skyler: Live! (or: Skyler: Depressed!)
Well, I survived the long, half-boring road trip to Florida with my brother; I left from the Writer's Night to Omaha, NE and stayed overnight there, then I got up and came back here because - believe it or not - I forgot to turn in homework. So, having done that, my brother and I took off for the southern part of the country.
We saw lots of road, I slept a lot, and I read a great book called The Rules of Attraction. It is way better than the movie.
We got to Florida late-ish on Saturday night then I got up and was on airplanes all morning on Sunday, then I drove two hours to get here, did a lot of homework, and had some really great sleep. It was fairly awesome.
Now I'm trying to get through this book called The Dark Tower... I'm only on the first one, but I can already tell I'm either gonna love or hate it.
Otherwise, in an attempt to be as vague as possible, I have been disappointed far too many times by a [vagueness here] to even care enough to try and [vagueness here], and really, I just [vagueness here] with [too crude to post] and half a [too gross] green apple dipped in [too horrible] with all the [*bleep!*] and Mr. Aaron Jaco.
This has left me rather depressed-ish.
I'll get over it, but I'm tired of doing all the work when it comes to [vagueness here], so I'm just done doing all the work.
PS: I promise something lighthearted next time. Maybe.
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