Episode 23: Not Dead (or: Who Be Do Be Do)
First off, let me assure you that I am far from dead. I'm a terrible blogger, always have been; most of my life I've blogged on one site so frequently (sometimes six times a day [hey, I was a depressed minor of questionable intellect with poor taste in music as a high schooler]) that eventually my ability to post anything of value went out the window with my youth, my faith in mankind, the money in my checking account, my ability to keep a pan full of brownies down, my faith in WOMANkind, etc. All that blog is, these days, is an incoherent ramble of nonsensical trains of thought, so worthless that I'll only link to it once, in exactly 45 days. Let's just say that it's neither funny nor does it make any sense.
But I'm coming back in a big way! With less important stuff that's so important, it'll make your brain fall out your ears.
Let's get rolling:
1.) This past weekend we had a lot of snow. This should in no way be news to any of you Drake students unless you were living in cave all weekend. Which I did. That's right, yours truly (hint: Me) blacked out his windows with black trash bags and watched every episode of LOST on DVD in a row over the course of four days/nights. It was awesome and also very fun. There is a reason I believe that to be the best show in television in years. That reason is because I'm right.
2.) Guitar Hero II tournament is coming up faster and faster, which means all this NOT-playing I'm doing is really gonna kill me come time to showcase my mad fret skills. All this time I'm going to spend practicing on a fake plastic guitar, you'd think I'd have some desire to pick my REAL guitar up again and learn how to play. Or, if you're me, you wouldn't think that at all.
3.) Going home this weekend (apparently) which is totally going to shoot my plans of seeing 300 on Friday out the window. But that's cool, because I missed my mother's birthday this past weekend on account of all the snow. So now I'm going home this weekend. But that's going to shoot my plans of seeing 300... Oh wait, I already said that. Why did I leave it in here, then? I could have just deleted it. I've done this joke before, too. It wasn't funny any of those other times. Why oh why am I still doing this? Shut up, Skyler! SHUT UP! They'll think we're unstable... Oh God, oh Jesus... oh oh oh... I can hear the ocean! Oh my... OH MY! I SMELL THE...!
D.) Making the plans to visit the Moon. We're going with Marmalade Mary and Dusty Limon, the Man of a Million Millions. Taking the magic-car to the movies, too. Going to see Fantasma de LeOpera in Hoop Dreams. Magitacularism!
Wednesday) Gotta eat the marbles!
Blue Wonder Power Milk) 3448284-29587590-12984659-1840-15986 = The code, Chaaaaarrrrlieeeeee!
1 comment:
Random blog-clicking-through-ing? led me to ya. Good luck in that Guitar Hero shindig. That game is crack cocaine in plastic, fake-fret form. And 300? Yes please. Carry on!
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