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So, in order to meet the required number of posts this month (hey, I had a real slow month. What can I do?) I've decided to make a post every day this week that will give a short review/rundown of five things in five different categories that I really enjoy that you probably don't but should. So, today, to make it simple, I'll start with movies (why not, huh?).
Luc Besson, who always writes the same movies time-after-time (for examples, check out The Professional and then watch his latest film, Unleashed, both of which star incredible killing machines who end up finding out life is about 'so much more'), did this movie called The Fifth Element to show people what life would be like in a future that was so awesome it hurt.
The story is simple, the characters are archetypal, and the script is tight. But there is something about the entire structure of the film that is so perfect that, well... it really can't be described. Trust me. Watch the film. From the elaborate and fantastical reconstruction of Leeloo's physical body to the shot of Bruce Willis getting cold-cocked with a trophy to the robot bartender... You can't fail.
I can't talk about this movie. Not because I don't want to ruin it, but because I can't. So rarely is there a movie so confusing... so astoundingly complex and needlessly so... that I not only find I can stand to watch it more than once, but that I end up owning, loving, and watching as many times as I can find people who haven't seen it.
So you get tired of all the big budget horror movies that are out there and you want to stay in and watch something a little more 'in depth' with the human side of horror. Well, forget that rubbish and check this movie, instead. Its about martians, scientists, evil scientists, living skeletons, mutants, and women made of five different forest animals.
He who says Demi Moore isn't hot back in her prime is a liar. And this movie is great because not only is she hot, but she is also SUPER-hot for a majority of the film.
Sexy, sleek, and dynamic, this movie has one weak moment of cybernetic tomfoolery that is mostly worthless but nevertheless furthers the plot. But at the end, when one of the main characters emerges the clear winner over the other... you will be so happy when you find yourself cheering that, well... You won't care if you are wearing your pants on your head the entire time (spoken from experience that will not be detailed in any way/shape/form).
I love movies about guys going for their dream. And Anthon... SIR Anthony Hopkins does just that, playing an old guy that just wants to run his motor bike on a speed run to go for the world land speed record.
Full of trials and more trials, this movie shows the power of a dream in ways that make me sad I haven't gotten enough experience to really fulfill any of my own. This movie doesn't really need any further explanation. Its just that good.
So, without further ado:
5 Movies That You Should Love Because I Said So
5 Movies That You Should Love Because I Said So
1) The Fifth Element:

Visually this movie is stunning. You can't lose. Colorful hair, clothes, architecture, aliens, transportation, locations, geography.... You can go on and on. There are few scenes as iconic as the shot of Leeloo jumping off that building and falling into traffic in recent movie history.

2) Mulholland Drive:

What starts out as an amnesia movie about two women in Hollywood ends up as so much more (in more ways than one) and has some great moments of humor, musical use, and human clarity that you will think it can't possibly be contained within one movie. But David Lynch did it. I don't know how.
Come for the lesbians, stay for the lesbians. And... the complicated and fun deconstruction and rebuilding of the movie you will find yourself forced to do at the film's conclusion. Forced by yourself.

3) The Lost Skeleton of Cadavera:

Its not a serious movie and will do its best to show you that its not serious. But you will not want to stop watching it because it is that stupid and silly. For an example, take the following line spoken by one of the film's main antagonists:
"I've always been hated by skeletons, even as a child!"
"I've always been hated by skeletons, even as a child!"

4) Disclosure:

I love revenge and back stab movies, and this one is one of my all time favorites. Michael Douglas and Demi Moore go round and round (in more ways than one) in a corporate thriller that has everything the doctor ordered. So long as the doctor ordered copious amounts of intolerable subterfuge!!!!!!
5) The World's Fastest Indian:

And with that, I'm done. Check in tomorrow when I'll do the same for books or video games or TV shows or something. I don't know. I haven't decided, yet.
And with that, I'm done. Check in tomorrow when I'll do the same for books or video games or TV shows or something. I don't know. I haven't decided, yet.
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