3 of 5 of 5
Keep this sucker goin', eh? This time I'll do video games. Keeping in mind that some of these aren't going to be huge titles that you'll have heard from, rest assured I play enough Half-Lifes and Final Fantasy games. I just figured I'd try to tell you about some games you maybe haven't heard of. So:
5 Video Games You Should Probably Own
1) Parasite Eve

Squaresoft (before they became SquareEnix) put out this game, which was supposed to be the "cinematic RPG" and... well, it was. It featured plenty of CG and a film-like plot that made it feel like a big-budget science fiction/horror film, which rocked.
Dealing with enough medical mumbo-jumbo to make people's heads hurt, PE's plot involved mitochondria, tiny organisms that live inside each and every one of the cells in our body. And they're under the power of an evil woman.
It mixed RPG elements with horror scenes much akin to the Resident Evil series. Also, as you can see in the video below... mutated rats and creepy women! Speaking of that video, its the intro to the game and I used to watch it over-and-over when I first got this game... Yeah, I had no semblance of a sane childhood.
(sorry, video ain't workin' right. here's the link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=M-Tcl6qvfy4)
People on fire, people melting, explosions, and giant freaky baby monsters with wings. Its a sure-fire winner.
2) Beyond Good & Evil
This is not a game about Nietzsche philosophy. Instead, its a game about a girl with a big stick and a camera.
Dealing with propaganda, journalism, and... well, aliens, BG&E is a very underrated Zelda-esque adventure game with enough heart and plot to win awards. Of course, no one played it and it died quickly and silently... but! It has a space whale! A SPACE WHALE!
Its short but sweet. And has really good animation. I'd give it a shot. You can get it for real cheap.
3) Silent Hill 2
This is one that maybe you've heard of, if not simply because there was a Silent Hill film a few years back that you may have seen.
This game will scare the poo out of you, no doubt. It is all about atmosphere and ambiance. Sound effects such as metal clangs and radio static will never be the same after you play this frightening and psychologically terrifying game.
Its long, its dark, and its got Pyramid Heads. You'll know what I mean when you see them (or if you saw the movie... Yes, THOSE things!)
Without a doubt, this is the scariest story told in film or video game format that I've ever experienced. ...'cept for maybe 28 Weeks Later, but that was less 'scary' and more 'really bad.'
4) Shadow of the Colossus
Basically you go around and fight things that are THIS BIG:
5) Xenosaga series
There are three games in this series, each one more crazy than the last. Its an RPG about space-faring humans trying to solve the riddles of the universe. And also about strange lesbian relationships between an android woman and her designer. And life and death. But mostly about the lesbianism.
Deep rooted in philosophy (enough to make up for Beyond Good & Evil's distinct lack of it), psychology, science fiction, and... well... Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalen... these games are beautifully organized and fun to play, so long as you've got money for all three and don't mind some serious religious overtones from time to time.
Two more days of this then I'm done. WOO-HOO!
See you tomorrow!
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